What Is The Perfect Housework Training Service?
To those who want to get efficiency from their employees in house services through the perfect housework training project,
It is training and consulting service for sector employees and those thinking about working in the sector.
We support the work and life balance by training your assistants, who are your biggest supporters in your house life, in line with your expectations.
We provide time and planning management in house services, increase productivity , support the family economy, and raise the service awareness level by informing the parties.
Why Perfect Housework Training Service?
Raising awareness on household works,
Providing business planning and management in house services,
Access the information you need for effective, efficient house management,
To increase the knowledge and ability of our women to do works in house services,
Making our lives easier by increasing the level of knowledge in housework,
To support the working assistant woman and the family order.
What Does The Perfect Housework Training Project Bring To The Parties?
To provide time and planning management for household tasks,
Improving productivity,
Supporting the family economy and budget,
Raising awareness of the service by informing the parties,
Who should get the HOUSEKEEPER training (Perfect House Work Training Service)?
Those who work and wish to work in house services,
Women who help in household work and those who want to improve the quality of service they receive,
Anyone involved in housework can benefit from this service.